Rajputs are not Indians.
The region now in the year 2020 known as Rajasthan was originally known as Sakasthan which refers to land of the Sakas the Sakas are another name for Scythians a ancient tribe of invaders from central asia that entered India through invading & looting more than 2 thousand years ago before any Islamic, European etc invader entered.
It was from 500 BC to 100 AD that these groups of central asia came into the indian sub-continent. This conquest was a successful one and these Scythians settled down in Rajasthan, they were happy, wedded, raped and married and enjoyed the women of what is now known as India. They continued to live happy lush lives of success, and then pretended to be deshbhakts that would make every area in India stink like a cow's tati.
Truely they are not native born Indians or hindustanis, they simply adopted certain customs and enjoyed the spoils of war aka land, women, food, freedom, power etc. Here are several quotes from other pages on the internet before 2020 that prove the Rajputs are descendants of the invading Scythians.
"Rajput or Jat, are migrants with as much or as little claim as the European settlers in the new world have to be known as Americans."
"For instance, that great Rajput clan, the Sisodias are of Scythian origin and historians derive their name from Sassanian. Just as Jat derives from Gatae, Ahir from Avar, Gujar from Khazar, Thakur from Tukharian. The Scythian or Saka tribes were the last pre-Islamic migrants into India. Some entered the plains through the Bolan Pass, and settled in Rajasthan which is why some Rajput, Gujar and Jat clans such as Pawar, Chauhan, Rathi, Sial and others now claim descent from there,"
"The Rajputs proper were of mixed origin – pre-Muslim invaders such as Scythians, Bactrians, Parthians, Hunas and Gurjaras who came in before, say, the end of the 7th century."
Rajputs are not the only Scythians:
"Herodotus reveals that the Scythians as far back as the 5th century B.C. had political control over Central Asia and the northern subcontinent up to the river Ganges. Later Indo-Scythic clans and dynasties (e.g. Mauryas, Rajputs) extended their control to other tracts of the northern subcontinent. The largest Saka imperial dynasties of Sakasthan include the Satraps (204 BC to 78 AD), Kushanas (50 AD - 380), Virkas (420 AD - 640) while others like the Mauryas (324 - 232 BC) and Dharan-Guptas (320 AD - 515) expanded their empires towards the east."
Eldest Rajput clans come from Scythians and Hunas:
"The oldest Rajputs clans found in southern and western Rajasthan arose much later from earlier Scythic groups; or are of Hun origin (5-6th century AD); and many are no doubt of mixed Scythic-Hun origin. Virtually all are of Scythic descent."
Sakastan the empire of Scythians that ruled India:
"The term Sakastan which is found on coins, was applied to the Rajasthan-Gujarat core region, and at its greatest extent included Punjab, UP and Haryana as well."
Rajput genes date back to the Huns (those horsemen that invaded rome):
"The earliest Rajput genealogies of the northwest date only to the 9-10th century AD (post-Buddhist period) and arise from Saka (e.g. Jats/Gujars) and Hun (5-6th century invaders) clans"
How people found out the truth about their origin:
"Based on analysis of coins, inscriptions, archeological finds and early Indian, Buddhist, Chinese, Greek, Persian manuscripts dating back to 500 BC, historians and ethnographers (e.g. Cunningham, Tod, Rapson, Ibbetson, Elliot, Ephilstone, Dahiya, Dhillon, Banerjea, Sharma, Sinha, Shrava, Puniya etc.) have shown that the traditional agrarian and artisan communities (like the Yadavs, Jats and Rajputs) of the entire northwest are the descendants of Scythian tribes from central Asia."
Anglo Saxons & Sakas have a connection:
"Rajput have Scythian origin. Scythian = Saka = Saccae Please note, Saxon = Sak-son (son of Saka)"
Scythians with Huns both tag teamed the land of Rajputana, violating the ancient ladies and giving birth to the Rajpoots:
"Then the Nordic Scythians and Nordic Huns also from the Central Asian regions who are much bigger and larger than the first Aryans brutally invade the North, Western and Central regions of India, where the White Scythians and the White Huns, Huns being the biggest and most brutal of the Scythian Nordics, all warlike with advanced weapons crushed all of India displacing all Scythians and Aryans from 800 A.D. to 1390 A.D. This was the Rajput period. 35% of Rajputs are actually low caste Dravidians and Untouchables. 65% of Rajputs are descendends of Romans, Greeks, Scythians and Huns, most being Greek and Hun are the White Invaders who plundered India into a Dark Age, spilling more Indian, Brahmin and Low Caste blood than anyone else."
Rajputs may have come from ancient persia (modern day Iran):
"RAJPUTS ARE SCYTHIAN - The Rajputs are descendants of Scythic (East Iranic) immigrants who entered India much after the Aryans. Although false genealogies were invented by the Aryan Brahmins in order to subvert the Rajput religion of Solarism (`Saura') and convert them to the 6 astika schools of Brahmanism, a detailed analysis shows that the Rajputs are Scythics."
Religion of the Scythians:
"The true Rajput is also NOT a Hindu either. He is a Saura or 'Sun Worshipper' just as his Zoroastrian Sun Worshipping Persian Scythian kinsmen were prior to Persia (Iran) being Islamized."
Northwestern parts of south asia were settling grounds for invaders:
"Every outsider the Brahmin has hired in the last 1200 years, from the Greeks, Turks, Romans, Iranians, Ukranian Scythians (Rajputs), Afghans, Muslims and the British who all settled in the northwest and other various regions."
Four or more tribes can be ancestors of Rajputs (all were non-indians):
"According to Tod, the Rajputs were the descendants of the Sakas, Hunas, Kushanas, Gurajaras, etc., who came to India and settled there. In course of time, they were merged into Hindu society. They married Indian wives and made India their home. They were admitted into the Hindu castes. The upper ranks of these foreigners formed a separate war-like class and began to call themselves Rajputs while the lower classes began to be known as Jats, Ahirs, etc. In support of his theory, Tod pointed out certain resemblances between the various settlers and the Rajputs. Those were horse-worship, Asvamedha sacrifice, bards, war chariots, position of women, omens and auguries, love of strong fermented liquor, worship of arms, initiation of arms, etc."
After kushan and scythians invaded then the gene pool changed:
"But it is now certain that the origin of many clans dates from the Saka or Kushana invasion, which began about the middle of the second century B.C. or more certainly, from that of the White Hunas who destroyed the Gupta Empire about 480 A.D. The Gurjara tribe connected with the latter people adopted Hinduism, and their leaders formed the main stock from which the higher Rajput families sprang."
The sperm and seed of barbaric invaders caused the birth of Rajputs - fake sons of india:
"famous Rajputs clans of the north were developed out of the barbarian hordes which poured into India during the fifth and sixth centuries. The rank and file of the strangers became Gujars and castes ranking lower than Rajputs in theirs precedence. Further to the south, Various indigenous or aboriginal tribes and clans underwent the same process of Hinduised social promotion in virtue of which Gonds, Bhars, Kharwars and so forth emerged as Chandels, Rathors, Gaharwars and other well known Rajputs clans duly equipped with pedigree reaching back to the sun and moon."
Mahabharat always calls the northwestern part a land of mlecchas, vahikas and barbarians so do other hindu epics.
Ever wondered why? That's because of the facts that these regions (land of five rivers, sakastan/rajasthan) were populated by invaders one of these invading clans was known as Saka among the hindu kingdoms and the Sakas were known as Scythian in places west of modern-day india & pakistan.
Karna's word:
"the pious among all races are conversant with the eternal truths of religion. This cannot be said of the Madrakas and the crooked-hearted race that resides in the country of the five rivers."
Rajput women were considered unchaste as they were raped by Scythian men:
"Since ye have sinfully violated a helpless girl who am not without a husband, therefore, the women of your families shall all become unchaste. Ye lowest of men, never shall ye escape from the consequences of this dreadful sin."
History of Punjab (another part of Sakasthan) explained by karna:
"In days of yore, when the eternal religion was reverenced in all countries, the Grandsire, observing the practices of the country of the five rivers, cried fie on them. When even in the krita age, Brahman had censured the practices of those fallen people of evil deeds who were begotten by Shudras on others' wives, what would you now say to men in the world? Even thus did the Grandsire condemn the practices of the country of the five waters. When all people were observant of the duties of their respective orders, the Grandsire had to find fault with these men."
As many fake stories like agnivamsh and agnikul can be created but in the end only the truth will prevail. The hindu god agni from sanatan dharm is no ancestor of the namards of Rajputana, their ancestors were rapists, looters and invaders that came outside of modern day India (2020). This fact will not be denied by any namard who refuses to see the truth! Rajputs were bhuzdils, fudhus, kuttas, namards, randi kee aulads & chutiyas that enjoy farting like capt ajit vadakayil!
How agikul myth started:
"One view is that they are foreigners, remnants of the Huns who invaded India and established themselves in Rajputana and whom the Brahmins raised to the status of kshatriyas with the object of using them as means to suppress Budhisms in Central India by a special Ceremony before the sacred fire and who were therefore known as Agnikula kshatriyas."
The comedians of the rajput clan: Prithviraj Chooha (lol), Maharandi Padpoo (rana pratap), Randi Sangi!
None of their women farted worshiping hanutati, vishnu, shiva, brahma, durga, kali, laxmi, saraswati, kartikey, indra and hindu gods. Until down the line they adopted the culture of their slaves (indians that were enslaved by Scythians).
India was always ruled by foreigners and foreign men.
😂😂😂😂WTF IS THIS TRASH. What evidence have you provided again? “Ambedkar.org”😂😂😂
ReplyDeleteYou only show how intolerant indians are