
Showing posts from January, 2020

Their was no India before 1857.

Handling how Columbus and Europeans used the words "India" "Indians" It was used to describe a part of the continental land mass known now as Asia. "All of southern and eastern asia was referred to as india by the europeans." East Asians and South Asians are not all Indians, most of them have nothing to do with India. Conclusion: It was called india but is not really india. India even right now (2000-2020) is a fake psuedo country that was illegally made without the consent of everyone. The land of sakas is different, south indians dont like having a unity with india. Indians want to seperate from eachother and don't like being together. India is 562 different countries combined into one: "If he wasn’t there, then today India would have been divided into 562 small countries and you would need a visa to go to each country."

Rajputs are not Indians.

The region now in the year 2020 known as Rajasthan was originally known as Sakasthan which refers to land of the Sakas the Sakas are another name for Scythians a ancient tribe of invaders from central asia that entered India through invading & looting more than 2 thousand years ago before any Islamic, European etc invader entered. It was from 500 BC to 100 AD that these groups of central asia came into the indian sub-continent. This conquest was a successful one and these Scythians settled down in Rajasthan, they were happy, wedded, raped and married and enjoyed the women of what is now known as India. They continued to live happy lush lives of success, and then pretended to be deshbhakts that would make every area in India stink like a cow's tati. Truely they are not native born Indians or hindustanis, they simply adopted certain customs and enjoyed the spoils of war aka land, women, food, freedom, power etc. Here are several quotes from other pages on the internet before 2...