
Showing posts from May, 2021

Jayadrath respect thread (saved)

 Another underrated character though he was given some credit in TV serials still no one has pro trayed him accurately, this great mard was a better fighter than bhishma, parashuram and karna  combined  the reasons will be stated below. He was a real man based on his fighting skills. But fans continue to underrate him. Before Kurukshetra war. Jayadrath was the owner of 10 nations: "That hero who had under his sway ten kingdoms, having Sindhu for their chief, him who was ever obedient to thee, Jayadratha of mighty energy." Commentary ;  either he got them through inheritence  or  he got them through conquest, regardless theirv would be at least a few revolts in these kingdoms yet to maintain his control over them Jayadrath would have to be incredibly skilled. Like Ravan was a owner of ten islands, similarly Jayadrath was a owner of ten kingdoms he was an  emperor  and unlike Ravan he ruled in the  north  not in the south. Source;  ht...